Final Minutes of June 2021 Synod
All Delegates must complete this quiz. Please do so as soon as possible prior to the opening of Provincial Synod on June 18th, 2021. Details and relevant documents are included for your reference.
[this link will open in a new tab]
Join Provincial Synod via Zoom
June 18th and June 19th
In your time zone, Synod opens both days at:
Montreal and Quebec; 9:30 am. Eastern Daylight time
NS/PEI and New Brunswick: 10:30 am. Atlantic Daylight time
Newfoundland: 11:00 am. Newfoundland Daylight time
(Please link in a few minutes beforehand and test your speaker and microphone.)
Use this link on Friday and again on Saturday:
Meeting ID: 836 2918 6120
Passcode: 594830
AGENDA – updated 18Jun21 (8 pm)
– About our Guests
Letter emailed to Delegates dated April 30, 2021
This Notice of Motions link will open a page in a new tab in your browser where the menu will allow you to move quickly to a given motion number.
PDF document of all motions received as of 18Jun21
Minutes of the 48th Provincial Synod, June 8-10, 2018
Statistical Trends in the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada By the Rt. Revd. Dr. Geoff Peddle and Rachel Robinson –
May 2021
Report on EPC Governance from 2015
Audit Reports: 2018, 2019 & 2020
Treasurer’s Report
Pre-2021 Synod Nominating Report
National Church Strategy Planning Working Group
Letter to Province of Canada Synod
National Church Emerging Plan
June Update
Minutes of Provincial Council – October 24, 2019
Constitution and Canons as amended by the Provincial Synod 2012
Provincial Synod Delegates and Officers
Reports from Dioceses
Diocese of Montreal
Diocese of Quebec
Diocese of Fredericton
Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Diocese Western Newfoundland
Diocese of Central Newfoundland
Diocese of Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
Summary of Diocesan Reports
Report on EPC Governance from 2015
ZOOM Meeting Instructions
The Ecclesiastical Province of Canada
Zoom Meeting Instructions
2021 04 26
- Consider the location where you will be for the meeting. It is important to have a light source in
front of you, not behind, so that the attendees can see you. - Have your camera in a fixed position, i.e., not a handheld device that will move around.
- If you need a break from being on camera. you may turn of your video for a time.
- Mute your microphone when you are not speaking to reduce background noise and distractions.
The Host may mute your microphone if you forget to. - If you wish to speak or comment in the meeting, click the “Raise Hand” button in the
Participants panel. - Please do not use virtual backgrounds.
- All chats submitted to the full group or to an individual will be recorded. Keep the full group chat
to a minimum, and only related to the business of the meeting. - Voting will be done by clicking the “Raise Hand” button in the Participants window. Click “Raise
Hand” to register your vote, and keep it raised until the chair has noted the full vote and moved
on. Be sure to click “Lower Hand” once the vote is recorded.
- If you are experiencing technical issues inside the meeting platform, send a private chat or
contact Tanya Moxley, (902-499-1897), or Cheryl Jacobs, (506-459-1801, ext. 1001. - If your device malfunctions and/or you are disconnected from the meeting, attempt to log back
in as soon as possible, using the same link. - If the Chair loses internet connection and is unable to reconnect quickly, the Vice- chair will
continue the meeting. - If there is an external interruption to the meeting, which cannot be controlled, the chair will end
the meeting for all participants. and then restart it. - Everyone will need to log back in, using the same link again.
SYNOD EVALUATION: Please complete online immediately following Synod. It’s quick and easy.
Note: Alternates are not listed updated as of 17May21
The Rt. Rev. Mary Irwin-Gibson | Montreal |
The Rt. Rev. Bruce Myers | Quebec |
The Rt. Rev. David Edwards | Fredericton |
The Rt. Rev. Sandra Fyfe | Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island |
The Rt. Rev. John Organ | Western Newfoundland & Labrador |
The Rt. Rev. John Watton | Central Newfoundland & Labrador |
The Rt. Rev. Sam Rose | Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador |
Rev. Tania Lesack | Montreal |
Rev. Andrew O’Donnell | Montreal |
Rev. Jeffrey Metcalfe | Quebec |
Rev. Joshua Paetkau | Quebec |
Rev. Robert Langmaid | Fredericton |
Rev. Kevin McAllister | Fredericton |
Rev. Trevor Lightfoot | Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island |
Rev. Madonna Boone | Western Newfoundland & Labrador |
Rev. Effie Organ | Western Newfoundland & Labrador |
Rev. Dr. Joanne Mercer | Central Newfoundland & Labrador |
Rev. John Sparkes | Central Newfoundland & Labrador |
Rev. Eli Evans | Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador |
Ven. Charlene Taylor | Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador |
Noah Hermes | Montreal |
Dion Lewis | Montreal |
Dale Keats | Quebec |
Ruth Sheeran | Quebec |
Laura McNulty | Fredericton |
Robert Taylor | Fredericton |
Jan Connors | Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island |
Stephen Hamlin | Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island |
Irma Moores | Western Newfoundland & Labrador |
Veronica Rose | Western Newfoundland & Labrador |
Hedley Johnson | Central Newfoundland & Labrador |
Lucy Pritchett | Central Newfoundland & Labrador |
Kyle Riggs | Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador |
Eden Mancor | Montreal |
vacant | Quebec |
Eric Beek | Fredericton |
Haley Bruhm | Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island |
vacant | Western Newfoundland & Labrador |
Melissa Barnes | Central Newfoundland & Labrador |
Joanne Minnett | Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador |
Charles Ferris | Executive |
Peter Irish | Executive |
Marg Jenniex | Executive |
Mark Kingsbury | Executive |
Trevor Lightfoot | Executive |
Susan Winn | Executive |
Richard Virr | Archivist |
David Eramian | Deputy Chancellor |
Jack Walsworth | Safe Church Officer |
David Bell | Assessor |
James Travers | Assessor |