Notice of Motions
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Motion #1 –
Forms for Consecration and Installations of Diocesans
Motion #2 –
Gender Inclusive Language in EPC Constitution
Motion #3 –
Diocesan Representation on Provincial Council
Motion #4 –
Canon 2 – The Election, Office and Work of the Metropolitan Bishop
Motion #5 –
Appointment of Auditors
Motion #6 –
Donations to Anglican Foundation and PWRDF
Motion #7 –
Approval of Audited Financial Statements for 2018, 2019 and 2020
Motion #8 –
Budget Results for 2019-2021
Motion #9 –
Budget for 2022 to 2024
Motion #10 –
Funds slated for return to dioceses
Motion #11 –
Every Child Matters
Motion #12 –
Approval of Provincial Synod Minutes 2018
Motion #13 –
Approval of Provincial Council Minutes 2019
Motion #14 –
Note: Section 8(1) of the EPC Constitution provides that:
8(1) A Canon may be enacted, amended or repealed and the Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of each order if notice of the proposed enactment, amendment or repeal has been sent to the members of the Synod at least three weeks before the meeting of Synod, or by a majority of each order at two successive meetings of the Synod.
Notice of Motion #1
Forms for Consecration and Installations of Diocesans
Moved by: Canon Charles Ferris (F)
Seconded by: Peter Irish (F)
That Canon 2 be amended by
1. a) changing the name of the Canon by adding the word “Installation,” after the word “Election,”; and
b) adding the following new section 7:
7. The Provincial Council may, with the approval of the Provincial House of Bishops, adopt by regulation forms relating to the election, installation, office and work of the Metropolitan Bishop.
At the 2018 Provincial Synod, unanimous approval was given to the amendment to Canon 2, which will formally incorporate the use of uniform forms of certificates for the consecration and installation of Diocesans. The certificates, unanimously adopted by the Provincial House of Bishops, have been in use since their adoption at the 2015 Provincial Synod.
Notice of Motion #2
Gender Inclusive Language in EPC Constitution
Moved: Charles Ferris (F)
Seconded: Peter Irish (F)
Resolved That:
Sections 5(16) and 6(7) of the Constitution of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada be amended by replacing the word “Chairman” with the word “Chair”.
The provisions will be more gender inclusive by replacing the gendered word ‘Chairman’ with the gender neutral and widely accepted word ‘Chair”. The metropolitan agrees with this proposed change and prefers the word “Chair ‘to the other widely used gender-neutral word ‘Chairperson’.
This change will incorporate more gender inclusive legislative language in the EPC Constitution. The present legislation states: 5(16) The Assessors shall act as legal advisors to the chairman on the constitution and rules of order, procedure, and debates of the Synod.
6(7) The Metropolitan is the Chairman of the Provincial Council.
Moved: Charles Ferris (F)
Seconded: Peter Irish (F)
That the Note to section 6(3) of the Constitution, which establishes a formula for Diocesan representation, be updated as follows:
Appendix A Schedule of Elections
Chart showing election for the next 4 synods.
2024, 2030
Clerical Members Dioceses of:
Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
Western Newfoundland
Lay Members Dioceses of:
Central Newfoundland
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
2027, 2033
Clerical Members Dioceses of:
Central Newfoundland
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Lay Members Dioceses of:
Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
Western Newfoundland
In the interest of ensuring that the members between the ages of 16–25 years have representations, that age group shall caucus and elect two members.
The Note to s. 6 of the EPC Constitution, requiring representation from each Diocese, continues the formula established in 2012, the only change proposed being a change in the dates of the Synods.
The current Note to s. 6 (applicable to the 2012, 2015, 2018 and the present Synod) states that:
Note to s. 6.
Chart showing election for the next
4 synods.
2012, 2018
Clerical Members
Dioceses of:
Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
Western Newfoundland
Lay Members
Dioceses of:
Central Newfoundland
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Montreal2015, 2021
Clerical Members
Dioceses of:
Central Newfoundland
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Lay Members
Dioceses of:
Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
Western Newfoundland
Related Notes/Working Documents:
Notice of Motion #4
Canon 2 – The Election, Office and Work of the Metropolitan Bishop
Notice of Motion regarding withdrawal from Metropolitical election
Moved: Charles Ferris (F)
Seconded: Margaret Jenniex (CN)
Canon 2 is amended by adding a new s. 1(5) as follows:
1(5) A diocesan bishop may withdraw from the Metropolitical election by written or electronic notice to the Prolocutor who shall inform the electors of the withdrawal.
Absent a legislative provision, each Diocesan Bishop is automatically a candidate for the office of Metropolitan, and there is currently no provision permitting a Diocesan Bishop from declining to run or to remove her/his name from the list of eligible diocesan Bishops.
NOTICE OF Motion #5
Moved by: Peter Irish (F)
Seconded by: Charles Ferris (F)
That Buckley Professional Corporation, Chartered Professional Accountants from Sussex, NB, be appointed as the auditors of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada for the next triennium. (2022-2024)
Article 5(20) of the Constitution of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada states that the Auditors shall be appointed at each triennial session of the Synod.
NOTICE OF Motion #6
Moved by: Trevor Lightfoot (NS & PEI)
Seconded by: Margaret Jenniex (CN)
That the Province of Canada donate $1,000 to the Anglican Foundation of Canada “Say yes to Kids” Campaign and $1,000 to the Primates World Relief and Development Fund
Whereas we have invited The Executive Directors of both the Anglican Foundation of Canada and the Primates World Relief and Development Fund to our synod and because they are two long standing Anglican Organizations in Canada, we feel it would be appropriate for the Province of Canada to donate to each organization in support of their ministries.
NOTICE OF Motion #7
Moved by: Peter Irish (F)
Seconded by: Marg Jenniex (CN)
That the audited financial statements for 2018, 2019 and 2020 be approved as presented.
NOTICE OF Motion #8
Moved by Peter Irish (F)
Seconded by: Trevor Lightfoot (NS & PEI)
That the Triennium Budget Results for 2019 – 2021 be received.
NOTICE OF Motion #9
Moved by Peter Irish (F)
Seconded by: Charles Ferris (F)
That the budget for 2022 to 2024 be approved as presented.
NOTICE OF Motion #10
Moved by Peter Irish (F)
Seconded by: Mark Kingsbury (NS & PEI)
That the $40,447 slated for return to the dioceses as directed by the 2018 Synod, not be returned but used to fund the 2022 – 2024 triennium budget.
The result of this action means that the dioceses would not have to pay any assessment for the next three years. The alternative is the reinstatement of diocesan assessments beginning in January of 2022.
NOTICE OF Motion #11
Moved by: The Right Rev’d Bruce Myers (Q)
Seconded by: The Right Rev’d John Organ (WNL)
That this Synod of the Ecclesiastical Province of Canada adopts and affirms the Statement issued by the Most Revd. Linda Nicholls, the Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada with respect to burial sites at former indigenous schools operated by the Christian faith in Canada, on June 2, 2021.
NOTICE OF Motion #12
Moved by: Mark Kingsbury (NS & PEI)
Seconded by: Sue Winn (M)
Re Item # 21,
That the Minutes of Provincial Synod 2018 be approved.
NOTICE OF Motion #13
Moved by Mark Kingsbury (NS & PEI)
Seconded by Sue Winn (M)
Re Item #22.
That the Minutes of Provincial Council 2019 be approved.
NOTICE OF Motion #14
Moved by: Margaret Jenniex (CN)
Seconded: Charles Ferris (F)
That the following EPC Synod members be nominated to the positions as Officers and Provincial Council members as indicated below:
Prolocutor: Rev. Trevor Lightfoot (NS & PEI)
Deputy Prolocutor: Dion Lewis (M)
Clerical Secretary: Rev. Charlene Taylor (ENL)
Lay Secretary: Jan Connors (NS & PEI)
Treasurer: Peter Irish (F)
Provincial Council
Clerical Members
Dioceses of:
Central Newfoundland: Rev. Joanne Mercer (CN)
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island: VACANT
Montreal: Rev. Andy O’Donnell (M)
Lay Members
Dioceses of:
Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador): Kyle Riggs (ENL)
Western Newfoundland: Irma Moores (WN)
Fredericton: Robert Taylor (F)
Quebec: Dale Keats (Q)
Youth Members: [Youth members aged 16-25 will be encouraged to caucus prior to Synod to nominate 2 Provincial Council members]