Declaration of Principles (2?)


(Adopted at the First Session 1861.)

We, the Bishops of the United Church of England and Ireland within the Province of Canada,
together with the Delegates from the Clergy and Laity of the Diocesan Synods, now assembled
in the First Provincial Synod under Royal and constitutional authority, and intending, under
God’s blessing and guidance, to consider and determine upon such matters as shall appear
necessary for the welfare of the Church in this Province, desire to express our most humble and
hearty thanks to Almighty God, that it has pleased Him in His Providence to set over us a
Metropolitan, and thus enable us, as in the ancient days, to assemble as one body, under the
direction of His Holy Spirit, whose aid we now invoke, and in the name of His only begotten
Son, for the consolidation and advancement of His Kingdom in this Province.
Before entering on the business for which we are at present assembled, we desire publicly to
declare the principles upon which we propose to proceed.
We desire The Church in this Province to continue, as it has been, an integral portion of the
United Church of England and Ireland.
As members of that Church, we recognize the true Canon of Holy Scriptures as set forth by that
Church, on the testimony of the Primitive Catholic Church, to be the rule and standard of Faith;
we acknowledge the Book of Common Prayer and Sacraments, together with the Thirty-nine
Articles of Religion, to be a true and faithful declaration of the doctrines contained in Holy
Scripture; we maintain the Form of Church government by Bishops, Priests and Deacons as
Scriptural and Apostolical; and we declare our firm and unanimous resolution, in dependence on
Divine aid, to preserve those doctrines and that form of government, and to transmit them to our
In particular, we maintain the ancient doctrine of our Church, that the Queen is rightfully
possessed of the chief government and supremacy over all persons within her dominions,
whether ecclesiastical or civil, as set forth in the 37th of the Articles of Religion; and we desire
that such supremacy should continue unimpaired.
It is our earnest desire and determination to confine our deliberations to matters of discipline, to
the temporalities of the Church, and to such regulations of order, or modes of operation as may
tend to her efficiency or extension; and we desire no control or authority over any but those who
are or shall be members of the same Church.
Province of Canada – Declaration of Principles[16/06/2016 1:09:45 PM]
We conceive that the following, or such like objects, may fitly come under our consideration,
and lead to action on our part:

1. To form a Constitution for this Synod, and to regulate the time and place of the meetings, and
the order and manner of its proceedings.

2. To provide for the proper exercise of Ecclesiastical Discipline, in regard to both Clergy and
Laity, by modifying and enacting Canons, and by establishing and ordering a Court of Appeal.

3. To provide, with consent of the Crown (when needed), fit regulations for the appointment of
Bishops, Priests and Deacons, in accordance with the Canons of the Universal Church.

4. To provide, with the consent of the Crown, for the division of the Province into new
Dioceses, as occasion may require.

5. To procure from the Colonial Legislature any Laws or modifications of laws which the
circumstances of the Church may require.

6. To promote the further consolidation and united action of the whole of the Dioceses of British
North America.
Proceeding upon these principles, which, as we humbly thank God, were, under His good
guidance, first among the Colonial Churches, publicly set forth amongst ourselves, and have
been sustained by the acceptance of our brethren through a large part of the Colonial Dominions
of our beloved Queen, we firmly rely and depend upon His continued blessing and guidance;
and we humbly pray that He, who is the God of unity and peace, may ever be with us, and so
chasten our affections, purify our motives, and guide our judgment, that we may be enabled to
contribute to the efficiency, concord and stability of the Church in this land.
The names of those who have held the office of the Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province
of Canada through the years are listed on the

Metropolitical Staff as follows:

1860-1868 Francis Fulford Montreal
1869-1878 Ashton Oxenden Montreal
1879-1892 John Medley Fredericton
1893-1901 John T Lewis Ontario
1901-1906 William B Bond Montreal
1907-1909 Arthur Sweatman Toronto
1909-1914 Charles Hamilton Ottawa
1915-1934 Clarendon L Worrell Nova Scotia
1935-1938 John A Richardson Fredericton
1938-1943 John Hackenley Nova Scotia
1944-1960 Philip Carrington Quebec
1960-1962 John Dixon Montreal
1963-1971 Henry O’Neil Fredericton
1972-1975 William Davis Nova Scotia
1975-1980 Robert Seaborn Newfoundland
1980-1989 Harold Nutter Fredericton
1989-1990 Reginald Hollis Montreal
1990-1997 Stewart Payne Western Newfoundland
1997-2002 Arthur Peters Nova Scotia
2002-2004 Andrew S Hutchison Montreal
2004- A Bruce Stavert Quebec

Note: this text is provided for information purposes only.

While every effort has been made to
ensure that this text is accurate, in the event of any discrepancy between this version and the
official printed version, the latter shall prevail.