The Licensing of Clergy

1. The Bishop of a diocese shall issue a license to every ordained person fully employed in the Diocese.

2. The Bishop may give permission to an ordained person not fully employed by the Church to officiate
or assist in a parish.

3.(1) A priest or deacon who wishes to temporarily leave the active ministry of the Church shall request a
leave of absence from the Bishop.

3.(2) The Bishop may renew a leave of absence in accordance with any guidelines approved by the House
of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada.

3.(3) Deacons and Priests at their ordinations and Bishops at their consecrations, and on such other
occasions as the diocese requires it, and the Metropolitan at his or her installation, shall take and
subscribe the following declaration: I, N, do solemnly declare that I profess the faith set forth in the Scriptures and in the Catholic Creeds and affirm my allegiance to the doctrine of the Anglican Church of Canada as set forth by the Book of Common Prayer and in the Ordinal; in public prayer and in the administration of the Sacraments I will use the form of the Book of Common Prayer and none other except so far as shall be ordered by lawful authority; (to be declared by priests, deacons and suffragan, coadjutor and assistant bishops) I will pay true and canonical obedience to the Bishop of _____ and to his/her successors, in all legal and honest demands; (to be declared by diocesan bishops) I will pay true and canonical obedience to the Metropolitan of Canada and to his/her successors, in all legal and honest demands; (to be declared by all but the Metropolitan) I will pay true and canonical obedience to the Canons which have been or are from time to time passed by the General Synod, the Provincial Synod and the Synod of the Diocese of _____. (to be declared by the Metropolitan) I will pay true and canonical obedience to the Canons which have been or are from time to time passed by the General Synod and the Provincial Synod.

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