
Elected by Provincial Synod June 14-15, 2024


Metropolitan: The Most Reverend David Edwards, Diocese of Fredericton

Prolocutor:  The Reverend Eli Evan, Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador

Deputy Prolocutor: Robert MacMillan, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island

Lay Secretary: Clarence Coombs, Western Newfoundland

Clerical Secretary: The Reverend Mickton Phiri, Western Newfoundland

Treasurer:  Robert Taylor, Fredericton

Appointments by Metropolitan

Chancellor: Mr. David Bell, Fredericton

Assessor:  Mr. James Travers, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island

Assessor:  Ms. Hilary Wicks Morrow, Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador


All Docesan Bishops

The Reverend Joshua Paetkau, Quebec
The Reverend Jasmine Chandra, Fredericton
The Venerable Nancy March, Eastern Newfoundland & Labrador
The Venerable Sandrine Mutoni, Montreal

Ms. Vanessa Truner, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island
Ms. Daphne Bonneli, Central Newfoundland
Ms. Breanna Bursey, Central Newfoundland

Ex-Officio Members: Chancellor, Treasurer, Clerical and Lay Secretaries

Other Positions:

Archivist:  Dr. Richard Virr, Montreal
Provincial Misconduct Officer: Jack Walsworth, Fredericton
Provincial Safe Church Officer: Jack Walsworth, Fredericton


(update as of 14Jul24)